Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Note Of Grateful Thanks

My darlin' wife has been ill. Breast cancer. It's a dreadful diagnosis and a painful journey.

She -- Edythe -- underwent a partial mastectomy and lymph node section two days ago. Result? The best of all possible outcomes. Complete removal of the tumor and zero cancer cells found in the lymph node. Chemo and radiation will follow but they will be more cautionary than treatment.

Second time around for Edythe, who was given "less than sixty days to live" back in 1996 when she was diagnosed with a different stage-4b cancer. The thirteen years since have been just about perfect, with no serious after-effects of her extensive and painful treatments then.

She has had two major advocates: Skilled physicians and loving friends... and family. For the efforts and prayers of both groups, thank you.

Edythe has been blogging about her cancer journey at . Check it out.

I'm sure I'm not as grateful as I should be, but I'm as grateful as I can be.

Gratitude is one of the least articulate of the emotions, especially when it is deep. -- Justice Felix Frankfurter

1 comment:

  1. Chuck. I have never met you but you sound like the greatest. I went to school with ruth and Edythe all through high school. I met her and Ruth in Las Vegas a couple of years ago. She is a very special friend. She and Ruth are the only ones I have kept in contact with all these years because they are special. In Las Vegas we just took up where we left of fifty years ago! How about that. Give Edythe my love and tell her I am praying for her in the upcoming months. When she is up to it I wish we could all meet somewhere for a grand reunion. thanks for keeping us up-to-date.

